Omar Youssef
QA Engineer

Talk about your role in Soum 

I am the QA Manual Tester in Soum's Technical Team. My role is to ensure no bugs are available in the production environment through testing the staging environment. For me, Soum is like an institute. In the couple of months since I've joined, I have gained more experience than what I have gained in the past 2 working years. You do not just excel in your line of expertise, you learn new chapters in multiple subjects that will feed your general knowledge. Other than the rapid experience growth rate, Soum is by far the best culture to work in. You feel like you are adding value to the company while constantly receiving appreciation from all co-workers. I would definitely recommend any dedicated worker to work in such an environment. 

What do you do outside of work?

My hobbies vary from playing squash to sketching. I am also a car fanatic; anything that relates to cars brings joy to me. I also enjoy watching movies. My favorite movie is "V for Vendetta" because of the acting and the meaning behind the movie. The way it empowers the people is just amusing to me.

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